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Become that person with Borg & Overström

Every office has one. Ours does, yours will too. Deep down, you know who we mean.

That person who gets everything done in good time, with seeming ease, to an impeccably high standard.  That person who comes in dressed immaculately, having worked out for two hours already that morning, and whose social calendar is always full of parties and glamorous appointments. That person who is achingly, effortlessly cool, who you yearn to become like, but deep down you’re almost a bit scared of them.

Sleek, efficient, invariably reliable, oozing with polished style, and seemingly unattainable.

Until now.  The secret is that you can enable your customers, staff, and indeed yourself, to become that person.

Part of it is a change of mindset. Believe in yourself, your own abilities. Stand tall, look people in the eye and insist that your voice is heard. You’re in control of your life, don’t be afraid to say ‘No.’ You can really do this.

But we all need an inspirational boost from time to time.  And that’s the Borg & Overström water system. Take time to walk over to it, admire its sleek curves, its contoured minimalism. Run your fingers over the smooth, cool surface, turn it on and watch the restrained splash grow to fill the glass. Take a sip: pure, fresh water. There’s nothing like it.

Borg & Overström was founded on a belief that water is the core element of creativity, productivity, and health. Drink pure water, and these factors will power your career forward.

And the beautifully designed dispenser?  That’s there for inspiration. Beauty makes the world go round.

We’d like to invite you to come and have a Borg & Overström moment at one of our shows this summer.  We’d love to offer you an inspirational haven, where you can relax, recharge your batteries, and go out again to view the rest of the show refreshed and rejuvenated.

You can visit us at Avex in Manchester: we’re excited to be coming along to meet our loyal approved dealer network and demonstrate our new inspirational lifestyle marketing strategy. And if you too feel that you’d like to take the inspiration back to your customers, then contact us for information on how to become a Borg & Overström approved dealer.

And at the Facilities Show at the ExCeL in London, we’re likewise promoting our brand and our beautiful range, driving the Borg & Overström experience still further to the end user.

Borg & Overström is synonymous with empowerment and success: you know it, your staff know it, and your customers know it, and that’s why universal demand for the brand is ever increasing.

Borg & Overström. Be that success story.

Facilities Show 16th – 18th June 2015 (Excel, London) [REGISTER]

Avex International 30th June – 1st July 2015 (Manchester Central) [REGISTER]

Our drinking water dispensers are available through selected partners